GreenLawUpdates - Renewable Energy News
Barnhart Law PLC
GreenLawUpdates -
Renewable Energy News


Updates and commentary by Constance R. (Connie) Barnhart on topics relating to renewable energy (especially wind and solar energy) development, including updates on government incentives, legislation and policy issues, contract, commercial and financial law issues, and other news & developments in the Renewable Energy sectors.


Experts Predict Continued Expansion of Renewable Energy Globally, But Depends on Government Policies

Some energy experts have recently predicted that renewable sources (including wind, solar and hydroelectric) could provide up to 43% of the world’s energy supply by 2030, according to recent trends. However, the pace of renewable energy development is most rapid in those countries with national energy policies and incentives favoring renewable energy, which presently do not include the United States.

According to an October 10 report in the RenewablesBiz Daily, China leads the world in renewable energy development. Fueled by China’s aggressive government support for renewable energy development, RenewablesBiz reports that: Chinese companies control half the $45 billion global

Read more…Experts Predict Continued Expansion of Renewable Energy Globally, But Depends on Government Policies

New Trend: Hybrid Solar & Natural Gas Power Plants

Florida Power & Light’s new Martin Next Generation Solar Energy Center, the world’s first and largest hybrid solar-thermal and natural gas power plant, which went online in December, 2010, typifies a growing trend toward combining renewable energy sources with natural gas technologies.

Recent commentary has drawn attention to an evolving trend toward construction of hybrid power plants utilizing clean renewable technologies such as wind or solar energy, combined with natural gas, an inexpensive and plentiful energy source. When the sun is not shining or the wind not blowing, the natural gas combustion engines kick in, allowing the plant

Read more…New Trend: Hybrid Solar & Natural Gas Power Plants

RenewableEnergy Updates: Solar Energy News & Updates

Additional posts coming soon on: Solar Energy News & Updates

Constance R. Barnhart
Attorney At Law, Managing Member
Barnhart Law PLC

30 years of law practice
at large law firms
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